about me

Hi there, I'm Patrick, a computer science student passionate about route planning and optimization. When I'm not working on my latest project, you can usually find me bouldering at the local gym.

I'm excited to continue exploring the world of computer science. Whether developing new algorithms or working on exciting new projects, I'm always up for a challenge and eager to learn more.

Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!


work experience


(code) projects

  • GitHubCCH

    Code for the "Routenplanungs-Praktikum" at the KIT. Implemented is the Customizable Contraction Hierarchies algorithm.

  • WebsiteORCS-Journal

    Welcome to One-Sided Results in Computer Science (ORCS), a unique journal dedicated to concise yet impactful contributions to Computer Science.

  • GitHubArc-Flag TB Code

    This is the code for my paper "Arc-Flags Meet Trip-Based Public Transit Routing".

  • GitHubK-ary Heap

    Open source K-ary (addressable) heap written in Python. Since I did not find any other open source implementation in Python, I decided to publish my version.
